Post Spring budget | Will your clients thrive or survive? image

Post Spring budget | Will your clients thrive or survive?

Posted byCapitalise
onFriday 17 March 2023

From the economic challenges over the last few years, small businesses have continuously been feeling the strain. And with new changes introduced, they will be feeling the squeeze even further from April 1st onwards. 

The new tax year will bring an end to the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, with a lack of support for energy prices. This update brings concerns as 47% of businesses have stated that they will have difficulty in paying their energy bills.

In addition, the national minimum wage, the national living wage and corporation tax are all increasing. Whilst not the largest change in isolation, these additional costs are adding to the squeeze for small businesses. 

In fact, 65% of businesses intend to increase their prices to manage their higher costs, However this still won’t make up for their losses in outgoings due to the cumulative effect of rising costs across the board.

Post the Spring budget, businesses will therefore need further support to ensure their cashflow is not at risk and that they can continue to grow in 2023. 

To help keep your clients on top of these challenges and changes, Capitalise and XU Magazine will be hosting a webinar on the next steps small businesses can take to thrive post the Spring budget.

Join on the 21st March where Amy Cotton, Head of Partnerships at Capitalise and David Hassal, CEO at XU Magazine, will be diving into: 

  • Outcomes of the spring budget

  • How this will impact your small business clients

  • Key steps to help them thrive despite these changes. 

Register your free spot here:

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