Syft: Seize control of your business with transaction-level details for FreeAgent entities 💪 image

Syft: Seize control of your business with transaction-level details for FreeAgent entities 💪

Syft now pulls through daily transactional data for FreeAgent entities.

onThursday 26 October 2023

One of our most recent integrations is with FreeAgent, a popular accounting software designed with freelancers, small business owners, and their accountants in mind. We are now delighted to introduce a game-changing enhancement to this integration – Syft now pulls through daily transactional data for FreeAgent entities.

What's new

Previously, we were only able to display end-of-month trial balance-style journals for FreeAgent entities. However, after a lot of hard work and determination from both Syft and FreeAgent's engineers, we are now happy to announce that you can drill down into transactional details for all your FreeAgent entities on Syft.

If you already have FreeAgent entities connected, simply refresh these to unlock transaction-level details.

Why transaction-level detail is so powerful

We are passionate about providing transaction-level detail to our users because this empowers you to see what's really going on in your business or your client's business. Instead of just getting a high-level sense of where issues may be arising or where things are moving in the right direction, transaction-level detail gives you the ability to drill down into the nitty gritty details to find out exactly what the root cause is of any of these issues or trends.

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You are now able to build and share daily and weekly Reports and create daily and weekly Dashboards so that you can pinpoint what is happening in your business or your client's business on a more regular basis. This means you will be able to react faster to issues – or seize opportunities as they occur.

Pro tip 💡: You can share Dashboards by embedding them in other tools, copying code to embed into the iframe of a website, or pasting links to Dashboards into emails or messages to clients, investors, or stakeholders.

Also, if there is an unusual movement in an account, you can drill down to identify the cause and see if it is an error, fraud, or some operational aspect that you should prepare for in the future.

Closing thoughts 💭

The recent integration between Syft and FreeAgent marks a significant milestone in providing enhanced accounting solutions for freelancers, small business owners, and accountants. The ability to access daily transactional data within Syft for FreeAgent entities represents a groundbreaking advancement, allowing users to delve deeper into the intricacies of their financial activities.

This new capability empowers you to gain comprehensive insights into your business operations, so you can easily identify potential issues, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and respond swiftly to any anomalies.

With the option to generate daily and weekly Reports and Dashboards, you can now stay better informed about the financial landscape of your business or your client's business, ensuring you – or your client – take a proactive approach to business management. This integration represents a crucial step forward in facilitating informed decision-making and fostering greater financial transparency for all stakeholders involved.

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