What a year it's been! Moss 2022 image

What a year it's been! Moss 2022

Moss share their successes in 2022

Posted byMoss
onTuesday, 18 April 2023

What a year it's been!

We're beyond thankful to our customers, partners and colleagues for making 2022 such an exciting and successful year. For Moss, 2022 was rich in highlights: as a team, we were able to celebrate countless achievements, overcame various obstacles, and learned a great deal along the way.

There are too many high points to mention in a single post, but here are 5 of our favourite memories:

  • We helped finance teams across Europe save an estimated 175k hours of admin work

  • Launched 2 new products, 7 accounting software integrations, a mobile app and countless features

  • Celebrated our German customers and partners with our biggest event to date, XMoss 2022

  • Grew our Dutch market presence and total customer base by 10x and 5x respectively

  • Expanded into the UK market and opened our London office

Here's to building on this success in 2023!

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