Coach your team to run high value client meetings image

Coach your team to run high value client meetings

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Building a repeatable workflow for your team to deliver in high value client meetings takes planning and coaching. You want to give clients a proactive monthly client meeting, but there is no way you, as the firm owner, can deliver that to all the clients of your business. Work smarter, not harder using workflows that deliver on client relationships and are easy to execute consistently across your team.

In this March’s App of the Month Webinar, Andrew Jordon, CEO of Connect4 will be chatting with Will about Connect4’s “Prepare. Meet. Act.” workflow, and how it progresses your client meetings into actions for teams & clients to increase revenue.

Some of the topic areas discussed include:

  • How to build a system for your team to consistently hold high value client meetings that win, retain and expand client revenue.

  • How industry leaders are using the “Prepare. Meet. Act.” meeting health workflow for discovery calls, onboarding and ongoing client management.

  • Explore how Connect4 works with practice management tools to ensure client meetings turn into linked up workflows for your team.

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