All in Place software accredited by ICAEW image

All in Place software accredited by ICAEW

Online platform All in Place has been accredited for its software by leading industry body the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Posted byAll in Place
onThursday 7 September 2023

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the foremost professional body in the industry, has awarded accreditation to All in Place, the online platform that connects business and personal financial planning.

This accreditation represents a significant milestone for the fintech company, making it the sole software provider in this niche to achieve such recognition. The accomplishment follows a rigorous and impartial due diligence process.

Previously known as Tether, All in Place plays a vital role in helping accountants seamlessly incorporate their clients' business and personal financial plans. The platform achieves this by generating comprehensive cashflow analyses and evaluating opportunities, both of which are indispensable tools for accountants. All in Place made its debut in 2021 and has since executed a systematic rollout among early adopter clients, gearing up for a full-scale commercial launch.

Richard Bertin, the Founder and CEO of All in Place, expressed his satisfaction with this achievement, stating, "Obtaining ICAEW Software accreditation has been a key objective to us at All in Place. We are the first UK software business to build a proposition extending the role of the accountant from adviser into an integrated planning solution for the business owner, be it a sole trader or a limited company with multiple director shareholders."

He went on to emphasise the significance of the accreditation, explaining, "A DPB Licence and the ICAEW accreditation gives members the confidence they need to extend their service offering to clients. Even without a DPB Licence we offer peace of mind of knowing you are staying within the tramlines and can add value. Given that we are likely to be entering a period of ongoing economic uncertainty, the pressure on family budgets will continue to come under intense scrutiny - All in Place is perfectly positioned to help accountants offer a more combined business and personal planning proposition."

Craig McLellan, Commercial Business Manager at ICAEW, commented on the accreditation:

"We are pleased to give accreditation to All in Place for its software. As an Institute we support the growth and delivery of financial planning software and we will continue to give members the ability to review independently evaluated software."

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